We go chasing waterfalls
Just recently I had the privilege of tracking down a little known waterfall run in West Virginia called Keeny’s creek. This area is literally unknown to the hiking and nature community in West Virginia but I happened to hear of it through word of mouth from a friend.
The area is south of Lookout in Fayette county West Virginia and when you find the little road that leads from lookout you will go through a little quaint town called Winnona. There is truly a wonderful little community that has a pretty little church right in the center of the town, it looks like everyone must walk to the church because there is little or no parking.
As we traveled past the ‘dead end’ sign in Winnona we felt discouragement about the potential that waterfalls existed out this road that certainly would dead end before long. The road meanders through some thickly wooded areas and you can see a small creek that runs from the community into the forest. Little two foot waterfalls are sprinkled throughout the creek as we drive on toward the end of the road which ends at the new river gorge. We stopped at a wide space in the road and get out seeing the creek running by, but still no significant waterfalls; I am thinking this must be a wasted trip.
Then as we pass a couple small bridges that cross the creek we see a large drop in the creek and see that the road steeply drops down the mountainside rushing toward the new river. Immediately my heart began pounding as I thought OH this must be the waterfalls that I heard of! We stop on the side of the road in a wide spot and I get my camera ready and then walk down the road to see if it is possible to get a good shot of the first significant waterfall I have seen all day. Then I see something about 3 feet long moving on the other side of the creek at the top, it is an otter!
I tried to get a good shot of it but in the low shady light it was hard to get a clear shot. It was looking back toward the car and must have been scared. I realize that this waterfall is going to take some significant hiking and negotiation to get at the right angle so we decide to travel on down the road and see what else is up ahead before getting the tripod and all out and making any hikes.
We drive on down the mountain and my eyes are truly blessed and my heart thrilled with the sights of many, many beautiful but dangerously accessible waterfalls. We drove to the end of the road and find a hunting camp and the road finally dead ends after about 5 miles. We then decided to come back up and stop at a little road that cuts down over the hill to where Keeny’s creek meets the New River. I loaded up my equipment on my shoulder and back and headed down the road telling my dad that if I am not back in 2 or 3 hours then something has went wrong.
Once I make it down the road and start down sort of a path I see some wonderful little falls.
I then begin to hike up the ravine as I am watching the creek to see where the waterfalls begin. The hike is very rough and there are no clear paths whatsoever through the foliage and rocks. I spent at least 6 hours this day hiking and taking pictures of these wonderful waterfalls. As always I will share my work and I am in the process of creating screensavers from these wonderful waterfalls.